
Baker aps universal bu2010 manually
Baker aps universal bu2010 manually

This system was designed by pharmacists for pharmacists and it only takes about 10 minutes reading the operating manual to be fully familiar with the operation. I have fully tested all features and functions and it works perfect. This system is ready to use as soon as you receive it. I believe the scale is new old stock and has never been used. This system is complete with scale, scanner, barcode reader, draft guard, calibration key, scoop, operating manual, operational video disk, 100 gram calibration weight and original box and packing. I have included a 9 minute operations video disk to help you familiarize yourself with this system or you can watch the video now at the following link. I provide a lot of information in my description and I encourage you to read it all. If for any reason you are not happy with your purchase then return it for a refund. I guarantee this system 100% complete in perfect operating condition. I have owned about 20 of these and I am very familiar with this system and its capabilities. APS Pill/Tablet Counter & Compounding Scale System

Baker aps universal bu2010 manually