IE9 is back, better than ever.Internet Explorer 9 wants to be a weel-known web browser again. on the page to download the latest version of Windows Media Player for Windows XP. It's a mix of all those good features we can find on other web browsers like Chrome, Firefox or Opera. Select StartInternet Explorer to open the Internet Explorer window.

in short,Microsoft has seen the advantages of other web browsers and has decided to change its point of view. Now it offers one very similar to he one we find in Firefox.Īnew tab system, someting similar to Speed Dial.

This new IE9offers the posibility to add websites to Windows taskbar,very similar to web applications by Chrome. Internet Explorer 8.0 (XP 圆4) Internet Explorer 8.0 (Vista) Internet Explorer 8.0 (Vista 圆4) Internet Explorer 7. changes to support latest HTML5 WebSocket API, and Web Worker thread pooling.

Internet Explorer 9 also breaks XP limits, because it's only compatible with the recent versions of windows to ensure optimum performance. Internet Explorer 10 (Windows 7) (圆4) Change Log. It is the resposibility of a new Javascript engine and a faster and more powerful renderization to lead this new IE to be among the best web browsers again. In this new version, Microsoft wants to end up with web standards compatibility problems and it supports for HTML5 and CSS3. After having viewed how all competitors have renewed their look and feel and engines and are now getting better and better, Microsoft has decided to update Internet Explorer. Windows Internet Explorer 8 (final release) is the current browser from Microsoft (Internet Explorer 9 is in beta).